2023 Excellence in Midwifery
Sheila Irving – South Metropolitan Service, Fiona Stanley Hospital
Sheila is a Clinical Midwife and Lactation Consultant at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) having previously taken on the roles of Nurse Manager and Hospital Coordinator. Sheila runs a breastfeeding clinic for women, arranges breastfeeding education for staff and women across the hospital, and offers clinical support on the postnatal ward. She offers her expertise with generosity and kindness and facilitates education regarding breastfeeding where attendees leave empowered with new knowledge. Sheila has been described as an incredible colleague with a myriad of knowledge not only as a midwife, but as a hospital coordinator and manager. Sheila has developed a system at Fiona Stanley Hospital where women that need to can loan breastfeeding pumps making a difference to the lives of breastfeeding women.

Sienna Kolatowicz – WA Country Health Service, Broome Hospital
Sienna has worked as a midwife for two years and is following her dreams of working in the country. Sienna demonstrates excellent commitment, co-ordination, and natural leadership skills. Her quiet, calm, and positive manner makes her approachable to peers and colleagues. She listens actively and no question is considered irrelevant or unnecessary, specifically regarding Aboriginal pregnancies.
As a first nation midwife Sienna has a passion for providing culturally appropriate maternity care to fellow first nation women and babies and her natural ability to enable her patients to feel supported ensures they engage and access maternity health services in the Kimberley region. Sienna is passionate about creating an Aboriginal Midwifery group practice in the Kimberley region to allow women to access appropriate education and support during their pregnancy journeys.
Sienna’s work ethic and consistency draws her to actively seek learning opportunities with her colleagues to gain greater knowledge and understanding of birth practices on country and elder engagement within communities. Her keen sense of community led her to organise and coordinate the “Beautiful Bumps Day” for pregnant women of Broome. This left her feeling very special as she witnessed the women embrace the beauty of themselves.

Sue-Anne Hawkins – King Edward Memorial Hospital, North Metropolitan Health Service
Sue-Anne is a fellow of the Australian College of Midwives and dedicated hospital-based home birth midwife. For over 10 years she has been available on call for women wishing to have their babies at home and is always on the receiving end of accolades from the women she cares for. Sue-Anne’s exceptional advocacy for families allows them to achieve their birthing aspirations ensuring the women oversee their own birth journey within safe parameters.
Sue-Anne not only shows dedication to her patients but also to her fellow midwifery colleagues. She never fails to support them, particularly through fatigue management, emotional safe-care and ensuring they know how to feel safe and healthy in the care they deliver. Sue-Anne’s commitment to professional development and quality improvement projects sees her naturally soaking up the latest research, increasing her clinical skills knowledge and relating her findings back to colleagues to ensure women are receiving evidence-based care.
Although Sue-Anne has taken her knowledge internationally, her proudest and most passionate moments have been achieved locally through her gold standard level of care for the Community Midwifery Program.